
Check out a few of Regina’s storytelling and stand-up videos

That Time Carsie Blanton Saved My Life


Turtle Time

Left Behind

The true meaning of Costco

Coming Out Again

Normal Notes Blog
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was happy; the wifi was out
Fingers were frantically hitting refresh, the patience of all was put to the test
For those of you worried about his cholesterol, he only eats the whites and the dog happily eats the yolks, unconcerned with her lipid levels.
Progress is slow and adds up in such small moments that you don’t realize the sum total until one day, the kid who held your hand is now holding a diploma.
What part of normal are you?
Tell the world with a t-shirt, bumper sticker, magnet, mug and more!

Sibling relationships can be tricky at times. Often, you find yourself related to someone you might never have been friends with if you had not grown up in the same household.